- Stimulate plants thrive roots, shoots, leaves and stems.
- Create good resistance to prevent virus, bacteria and fungus.
- Anti defoliation, wilting tip.
- Helping longer stem, larger leaves healthy, shiny flowers, smooth.
- Mixtures of enzymes help plants absorb nutrients best, healthy leaves help photosynthesis process going strong, increased resistance to pests and harsh weather.
- Use replace chemical fertilizers.
- Especially with the young trees, flowers, ornamental plants, vegetables. Non-toxic to the environment, biological safety.
Note: Shake well before use, do not spray when it is sunny.
- Made from 100% fermented fish using traditional methods in Japan EM technology.
- TKS containing microorganisms quite beneficial for anti-fungal and bacterial.
- TKS synthetic growth regulators. Mixtures of enzymes, amino acids and some special additives.
- N-P-K: 5% - 5% - 5%
- Cu: 50 ppm, Fe: 100 ppm, Zn: 100 ppm, Mn: 100 ppm, Mg: 100 ppm, Bo: 100 ppm, Axit humic: 10%, GA3: 200 ppm, NAA: 200ppm
- Mix 100 ml TKS/32 with 50l water for 1000 m2
- Or mix 20 ml / 8 liter spray the leaves.
- Continuous spray during plant growth.
- Spray separated from 7-10 days / times.